# telegram-group2mastodon telegram-group2mastodon is a Telegram bot to post messages from a Telegram group to Mastodon. It's written in Go and it is relased under the AGPL3+. Since the bot must be able to read all the messages you should use it only on public groups. ## Installation 1. Build the bot (for example if version is v0.1.0 and you are on a unix system): ``` cd /tmp; GOPATH=/tmp/go go install noa.mornie.org/eriol/telegram-group2mastodon@v0.1.0 ``` You will find the binary at `/tmp/go/bin/telegram-group2mastodon`. You don't need to set `GOPATH` if you already have it set and you are fine having the bot installed there. 2. Create your bot using Telegram @BotFather. 3. The bot uses environment variables as configuration, you have to export the following (except variables with a default) before starting it: | Variable | Meaning | Default | |--------------------------------|------------------------------|----------| | `MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN` | Mastodon access token | *N/A* | | `MASTODON_SERVER_ADDRESS` | Mastodon server address | *N/A* | | `MASTODON_TOOT_FOOTER ` | Footer of each toot | "" | | `MASTODON_TOOT_MAX_CHARACTERS` | Toot max lenght | 500 | | `MASTODON_TOOT_VISIBILITY` | Default toot visibility | unlisted | | `TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN` | Telegram bot token | *N/A* | | `TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID` | Telegram alolowed chat id | *N/A* | | `TELEGRAM_DEBUG` | Debug messages from Telegram | False | `MASTODON_TOOT_VISIBILITY` allowed values are: `direct`, `private`, `public` and `unlisted`. `MASTODON_TOOT_FOOTER` default is an empty string that disable the footer feature, no character ad automatically added so you may want to add a space before your footer (or a new line). To get `MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN` see next point. 4. To get `MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN` use the subcommand `authenticate`: ``` telegram-group2mastodon authenticate ``` and follow the istructions. 5. Launch the bot: ``` telegram-group2mastodon run ``` ## Deploy using Docker/Podman Images are automatically built after each push on quay.io, here the list of available tags: https://quay.io/repository/eriol/telegram-group2mastodon?tab=tags ### docker *Suppose you want to use the latest tag.* ``` docker run \ --env MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN=$MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN \ --env MASTODON_SERVER_ADDRESS=$MASTODON_SERVER_ADDRESS \ --env TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=$TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN \ --env TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=$TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID \ quay.io/eriol/telegram-group2mastodon:latest ``` ### podman *Suppose you want to use the latest tag.* ``` podman run \ --env MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN=$MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN \ --env MASTODON_SERVER_ADDRESS=$MASTODON_SERVER_ADDRESS \ --env TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=$TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN \ --env TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=$TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID \ quay.io/eriol/telegram-group2mastodon:latest ``` ### docker-compose ``` --- version: "3.9" services: bot: image: quay.io/eriol/telegram-group2mastodon:latest environment: - MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN=${MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN} - MASTODON_SERVER_ADDRESS=${MASTODON_SERVER_ADDRESS} - TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=${TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN} - TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=${TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID} ```