package cmd import ( "log" mastodonapi "" tgbotapi "" "" "" "" "" ) // runCmd represents the run command var runCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "run", Short: "Run the bot", Long: `Start the bot making it connect bot to Telegram and to Mastodon. Every messages posted in the Telegram groups the bot is in will be posted into the specified Mastodon account.`, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { mastodonInstance := cfg.GetMastodonServerAddress() c := mastodonapi.NewClient(&mastodonapi.Config{ Server: mastodonInstance, AccessToken: cfg.GetMastodonAccessToken(), }) log.Println("Crating a new client for mastondon istance:", mastodonInstance) allowedTelegramChat := cfg.GetTelegramChatID() log.Println("Allowed telegram chat id:", allowedTelegramChat) bot, err := tgbotapi.NewBotAPI(cfg.GetTelegramBotToken()) if err != nil { log.Panic(err) } bot.Debug = cfg.GetTelegramDebug() u := tgbotapi.NewUpdate(0) u.Timeout = 30 updates := bot.GetUpdatesChan(u) for update := range updates { chatID := update.Message.Chat.ID if chatID != allowedTelegramChat { log.Printf("Error: telegram chat %d is not the allowed one: %d\n", chatID, allowedTelegramChat, ) continue } if update.Message != nil { messageID := update.Message.MessageID maxChars := cfg.GetMastodonMaxCharacters() tootVisibility := cfg.GetMastodonVisibility() tootFooter := cfg.GetMastodonTootFooter() if update.Message.Text != "" { log.Printf("Text message received. Message id: %d\n", messageID) text := update.Message.Text messages := utils.SplitTextAtChunk(text, maxChars, tootFooter) mastodon.PostToots(c, messages, tootVisibility) } else if update.Message.Photo != nil { log.Printf("Photo received. Message id: %d\n", messageID) // Telegram provides multiple sizes of photo, just take the // biggest. biggest_photo := tgbotapi.PhotoSize{FileSize: 0} for _, photo := range update.Message.Photo { if photo.FileSize > biggest_photo.FileSize { biggest_photo = photo } } url, _ := bot.GetFileDirectURL(biggest_photo.FileID) log.Printf("Downloading: %s\n", url) file, err := utils.DownloadFile(url) if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not download file: %v", err) continue } mastodon.PostPhoto( c, file, update.Message.Caption, maxChars, tootVisibility, ) } } } }, } func init() { rootCmd.AddCommand(runCmd) }