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2023-02-09 23:56:22 +01:00
# freakble
2023-02-28 15:22:30 +01:00
A simple tool to send messages and commands into [FreakWAN](https://github.com/antirez/freakwan)
2023-02-09 23:56:22 +01:00
over Bluetooth low energy.
2023-03-07 22:25:05 +01:00
It's tested under Linux, MacOS and Windows.
2023-02-10 00:32:53 +01:00
## Installation
### Using pipx
The best way to install freakble is using [pipx](https://pypa.github.io/pipx/):
$ pipx install freakble
2023-02-23 20:50:36 +01:00
For the GUI you can optionally install themes using:
2023-02-23 20:56:01 +01:00
$ pipx install 'freakble[themes]'
2023-02-23 20:50:36 +01:00
2023-02-10 00:32:53 +01:00
### Using pip
2023-02-28 15:22:30 +01:00
*When using pip it's suggested to work inside a virtualenv.*
2023-02-10 00:32:53 +01:00
$ python -m pip install freakble
### From source
freakble uses [Poetry](https://python-poetry.org) as dependency management and
packaging tool, you need to install it first.
1. Clone this repository.
2. From the root of the repository run:
$ poetry build
3. Install using pipx or pip (it's better to use pipx):
$ pipx install dist/freakble-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
2023-02-10 00:57:23 +01:00
## Usage
2023-02-10 16:57:03 +01:00
Usage: freakble [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
A simple tool to send messages into FreakWAN.
--adapter TEXT ble adapter [default: (hci0)]
--help Show this message and exit.
2023-02-28 15:22:30 +01:00
gui Start freakble GUI.
repl Start a REPL with the device.
scan Scan to find BLE devices.
send Send one or more words over BLE to a specific device.
version Return freakble version.
2023-02-10 16:57:03 +01:00
### send
The `send` command is used to send a message to the board. You need to know the
address of the device.
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You can specify the address of a device using the `--device` flag or the
environment variable `FREAKBLE_DEVICE`.
2023-02-10 16:57:03 +01:00
The complete usage is:
Usage: freakble send [OPTIONS] [WORDS]...
Send one or more words over BLE to a specific device.
--loop send forever the message
--device TEXT ble device address [required]
--sleep-time FLOAT sleep between messages sent with --loop [default: (1
2023-02-28 16:24:21 +01:00
--timeout FLOAT Bluetooth LE connection timeout [default: (10 secs)]
2023-02-10 16:57:03 +01:00
--help Show this message and exit.
2023-02-10 00:57:23 +01:00
For example:
2023-02-10 01:02:29 +01:00
$ freakble send --device AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA Hello, there!
2023-02-10 00:57:23 +01:00
where you have to substitute `AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA` with your device's address.
2023-02-10 01:23:28 +01:00
The `--loop` flag will make freakble to send continuosly the message until
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`CTRL + C` is pressed. The resend interval is defaults to 1 sec and can be
changed using `--sleep-time`.
2023-02-10 01:23:28 +01:00
$ freakble send --device AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA --loop FREAKNET
![A photo of a LYLIGO TTGO LoRa v2 1.6 showing the text: you> FREAKNET in multiple lines.](extras/304f4bb6-4f51-4183-95b9-c329b9bf69ab.jpg)
2023-02-10 16:57:03 +01:00
2023-02-11 17:41:03 +01:00
You can use `FREAKBLE_DEVICE` environment variables to set the device address,
and to not have to provide it in each commands that need a device address.
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For example, using `send`, if one of your device is called `FW_vuzasu`
2023-02-11 17:41:03 +01:00
you can do:
2023-02-28 16:00:38 +01:00
$ export FREAKBLE_DEVICE=$(freakble scan | grep FW_vuzasu | cut -d' ' -f1)
2023-02-10 17:37:02 +01:00
$ freakble send "La violenza è l'ultimo rifugio degli incapaci. - Isaac Asimov"
2023-02-28 16:00:38 +01:00
FreakWAN supports commands starting with `!` character (see the list on
$ freakble send '!bat'
battery 99%, 4.20 volts
2023-02-28 16:24:21 +01:00
If you don't know what to say, you can always tempt the fates! :)
freakble send "$(fortune)"
2023-02-28 16:46:27 +01:00
Please note that this command handle also disconnection from Bluetooth LE so it
runs in a few seconds.
2023-02-23 17:54:54 +01:00
### scan
2023-02-10 16:57:03 +01:00
2023-02-28 15:22:30 +01:00
The `scan` command is used to discover Bluetooth LE devices.
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Usage: freakble scan [OPTIONS]
Scan to find BLE devices.
2023-02-28 15:22:30 +01:00
--scan-time FLOAT scan duration [default: (5 secs)]
--help Show this message and exit.
2023-02-10 16:57:03 +01:00
For example:
$ freakble scan
2023-02-28 16:00:38 +01:00
AB:AB:AB:AB:AB:AB (rssi:-52) FW_timatu
AF:AF:AF:AF:AF:AF (rssi:-57) FW_vuzasu
2023-02-10 16:57:03 +01:00
2023-02-23 17:54:54 +01:00
### repl
2023-02-11 17:41:03 +01:00
The `repl` command connects to the specified device and stats an interactive
shell with it.
2023-02-28 16:24:21 +01:00
The complete usage is:
Usage: freakble repl [OPTIONS]
Start a REPL with the device.
--device TEXT ble device address [required]
--timeout FLOAT Bluetooth LE connection timeout [default: (10 secs)]
--help Show this message and exit.
For example:
2023-02-11 17:41:03 +01:00
2023-02-28 16:00:38 +01:00
$ export FREAKBLE_DEVICE=$(freakble scan | grep FW | cut -d' ' -f1)
2023-02-11 17:41:03 +01:00
freakble 0.3.0a0 on linux
Connecting to AB:AB:AB:AB:AB:AB...
`Φ]` is the freakble prompt.
You can then talk to the device remembering that commands start with `!` and
the text you write if it's not a command is sent as a message in the network.
For example, the following text is sent as a message in the network:
Φ] Hello there!
Instead commands make you able to get info or configure your FreakWAN node:
Φ] !help
2023-02-28 16:24:21 +01:00
Commands: !automsg !pw !sp !cr !bw !freq !preset !ls !font !last !addkey !delkey !keys !usekey !nokey
2023-02-11 17:41:03 +01:00
Φ] !bat
battery volts: 4.2
Pressing `TAB` key or `!` will show the autocompletion menu.
To exit from the interactive shell use `CTRL + D` or `CTRL + C`
2023-02-23 17:54:54 +01:00
### gui
The `gui` command starts a GUI of freakble. If you don't set the device address
it will start with the following scan interface:
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![A screenshot of the scan inferface of the gui.](extras/gui_scan.png)
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after choosing a device you can click to the connect button to get a graphical
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![A screenshot of the graphical REPL of freakble.](extras/gui_repl.png)
2023-02-23 17:54:54 +01:00
2023-02-10 16:57:03 +01:00
## License
freakble is licensed under BSD-3-Clause license.