local map = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true } -- CTRL+l to clear search highlighting. map("n", "", ":nohlsearch", opts) -- Move into splits after creation. map("n", "v", "vw", opts) map("n", "s", "sw", opts) -- Save with and s. map("n", "s", ":w", opts) -- Close all and exit. map("n", "q", ":qa!", opts) -- Fix broken Page Up/Down. -- https://vimrc-dissection.blogspot.com/2009/02/fixing-pageup-and-pagedown.html map("n", "", "1000", opts) map("n", "", "1000", opts) map("i", "", "1000", opts) map("i", "", "1000", opts)