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2023-02-28 18:47:06 +01:00
# ahaetulla
2023-02-10 23:57:49 +01:00
2023-02-28 18:47:06 +01:00
A simple tool to send messages into [FreakWAN](https://github.com/antirez/freakwan)
2023-02-10 23:57:49 +01:00
over Bluetooth low energy.
2023-02-12 01:13:15 +01:00
**This project is in pre-alpha please use the [python implementation](https://pypi.org/project/freakble/)
2023-02-12 01:14:37 +01:00
2023-02-12 01:13:15 +01:00
2023-02-28 18:52:11 +01:00
The name if from [Leptophis ahaetulla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leptophis_ahaetulla),
a snake commonly known as the **lora**.
2023-02-10 23:57:49 +01:00
## Installation
2023-02-12 01:13:15 +01:00
### From source
2023-02-28 18:47:06 +01:00
To build the latest version of `ahaetulla` run:
2023-02-12 01:13:15 +01:00
2023-02-28 18:47:06 +01:00
cd /tmp; GOPATH=/tmp/go go install noa.mornie.org/eriol/ahaetulla/cmd/ahaetulla@latest
2023-02-12 01:13:15 +01:00
2023-02-10 23:57:49 +01:00
2023-02-28 18:47:06 +01:00
You will find the binary at `/tmp/go/bin/ahaetulla`. You don't need to set
2023-02-12 02:56:00 +01:00
`GOPATH` if you already have it set and you are fine having freakble installed
2023-02-10 23:57:49 +01:00
## Usage
A simple tool to send messages into FreakWAN.
2023-02-28 18:47:06 +01:00
ahaetulla [command]
2023-02-10 23:57:49 +01:00
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
scan Scan to find BLE devices.
2023-02-28 18:47:06 +01:00
-h, --help help for ahaetulla
2023-02-10 23:57:49 +01:00